Monday 26 September 2011

Reflection from my Reading!

Reading these stories, make me angry and very sad.
When I read about people being treated poorly by unjust governments, it makes me upset. It forces people to leave their places, things, ând families.  These people have to come to a new country, new culture, new language and have to start from the beginning because their education and profession is not valid at the new place.  They do not feel confident especially for mature people who have to learn a new language which is a challenge.
I feel very sad and these stories make me cry particularly the story of the boy who was only two years old.  He and his family left their wonderful place because their life was in danger and they went from one place to another place in order to escape torment.  But when the boy was only ten years old , his brother and parents were killed. That boy was the only one who escaped from that dangerous country to a new country where he can be free and safe.  But the memories of his family was always with him did not go away. He was haunted by the terror of his old life.
Another story that impacted me was the doctor's story who escaped from his country too, in order to save his life; but he cannot work as a doctor in the new place which is his new home. Stories like those are very sad.  Fortunately, they end happily in a sense that they can tell their stories. Unfortunately, many people around the world cannot escape and they are tortured and killed without any compassion.

I am a migrant too; I am very thankful to God and to this country for giving me the opportunity to be here. I think I am very blessed. I would like to help those people who suffer.