Monday 17 October 2011

The Borders

The border is "an open wound where the Third world grate against the First and bleeds.  And before a scab forms, it haemorrhoges again, the life blood of two worlds merging to from a third country a border culture"                                                                                         
                                                                                                                                        Gloria Anzaldua

              Gloria Anzaldua in her writing speak about countries which become separated by violence.  Many people at that place lose their lives.  Since the world exist always people fight for land because who have want more especially people who have power have the control of peolpe of undre developed countries.  Those people take advantage of the powerless people in everything.  The powerful people do not care about the needs, feelings of the poor people.  Even they kill people to get something they want.  So people with power marginalized to people who are powerless.  For example, people from developed countries do not have limits to go to any country they want.  Even though if those people go to the under developed countries only to do things that wound inocent and young people. that happened from generation to generation and that wounds do not heal easily.  For example, people who have money cross the borders to do business and get more rich a costas del esfuerzo de personas que no tienen nada.  They explot their materias primas leaving the soil and people more poor than before.  Other people especially man go to the under developed countries for a sex turist and they abuse inocent and weak people.
The borders for some people brings happines and joy; but for other people it brings pain, tears, heartbreak and discourage.  Many people from around the world trying to cross the borders with the hope in their heart maybe to escape persecution, corruption, war or to have better life many of them died in the way or crossing the border.
Border exist in everywhere, in every country, nation, culture language, religion.  People fight for everithing only because they want power, money or to be better than others.