Saturday 5 November 2011


In my opinion, globalization is wonderful more for wealthy people, because people who have power are above people of poor countries.  On the other hand, poor people become poorer.  I cannot believe also, here in Canada happen these unjust situations.  In the movie "El Contrato" by Min Sook Lee, the Mexican people who come as immigrant workers do not have many benefits.  Even though they pay Taxes, Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI).  However, they do not have any benefits in Canada.  If they get sick, the employers send them to Mexico.  These workers are treated as slaves and they do not have rights as Canadians to make any complain because if they say something that the way the their boss treats them, they could be send back to their country without pay.  Most of them do not said anything they just do whatever they are told to do even if that risk their health and life.  The man who represent them is not on their side either because he said: "If you are not happy the way you are treated do not come any more" they Know these people need the job that is why they are abusive with the powerless people.  If this is happening in Canada what can we expecte from other countries, that the human rights is not respected in any way.  I think this is a very sad story for many people who need work to support their family.  Because there are not job in Mexico and other poor countries, people leave their country and families.  ?they come to a rich country with many dreams to find a good place where to live, work to support their family backhome to have better and worthy life, but many of them are deceptionated with the work they do and the way they are treated, I think this situation make the work harder for most of them.  I like the movie the way Min Sook Lee made it I hope the ministry of agriculture can do something to support foreign workers at list with health benefits for them.

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