Wednesday 14 December 2011

Interview Reflection

            I did not was very sure who I would interview.  At the beginning, I thought to interview my brother.  My brother came to Canada in the 80s when the shining path was strong in Peru, my country.  He applied us a refuge.  I asked him to interview him; he said, “No, my story is very complicate and sad” also he did not have time to tell me because he is very busy.  The second person I thought to interview was my friend from my church, who came from Congo around 5 years ago, as a refuge, too.  At the beginning when she start to attend church she was very shy, but now she is very comfortable and very good friend of us she is serving at church, she is very active also, she is studying at George brown college.  But I could not interview her at church because usually she is very busy and she is very busy with school, too.  One Sunday when I was planning to meet her, she went to Montreal.  Then I decided to interview Mrs. Menka, I call her Mrs. Menka, her complete name is Elka Menka, she came from Poland many years ago and she is 89 years old.  I called Mrs. Menka I asked her about the interview she said, yes, come and visit me so, I went to her home and she was very happy to see me. Even though, I know her story, because she told me many times, but is good when I hear from her.  Mrs. Menka story is very sad she is a survivor of the holocaust.  Mrs. Menka’s parents and sisters died in the in the camp.  She speaks many languages and what I really admire more of her is her forgiveness to the people who killed her family and wounded her.

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