Thursday 15 December 2011

Reflection on the Course!

            In HUMA 043- Crossing Borders: Migration and Culture, I learned about migration around the world and the straggles many people face in their journey through their life in earth.  In the unit one, we study about leaving that people leave their countries for many reasons that can be escaping from war, civil war, terrorism, discrimination and so on the important they are running from death and for better life to their children.  In unit two, I learned about crossing the border to go to another country or another place that is much challenged for many people because they need to leave everything behind and for some of them is not that easy to go maybe they cannot afford for it.  Also, people take advantage of it like charging them a lot of many for nothing.  In unit three, I learned about Arrival people who arrive to another place they face isolated, they do not understand the language, the culture that is difficult. In unit four, I learned about Arrested Movements I think this unit is more difficult and sad because talk about people who are exploited as “El Contrato” where Mexican people come to Canada to work in agriculture and even they pay taxes, they do not have any medical benefits. They work very hard for a little salary.  In addition, in the unit we talked about “Guantanamo Bay” where many innocent people are prisoners as a criminal.  I feel very sad for Omar Khadr who spends more of his childhood into that place and is torture as a thing I cannot imagine the horrible life he is having there.  In unit five, we study about Returns, if people return to their countries it can be very challenged too, because maybe other people took their home, they do not find job as they have before also if they were many years outside of their country even they will not have their friend.   Also, I enjoyed do the Interview, the Essay Presentation, learn about countries of the World and the blogs even this was very challenged for me.
I just want to finish my blog with this message.  2000 years ago, one man was killed, he was innocent, he never sin, but he died.  “The birth of Jesus was the beginning of the end for death.  “The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.  But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15: 56-57, Bible).  That is why we celebrate Christmas!” – D. McCasland
At Christmas time we celebrate
The coming of the Prince of Peace;
Though now our world is locked in strife,
One day He’ll make all conflict cease. _ Sper
Jesus took our place to give us His peace.
The birth of Christ brought God to man; the cross of Christ brings man to God. _ Wesley
Merry Christmas!

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