Thursday 15 December 2011

Reflection on the Course!

            In HUMA 043- Crossing Borders: Migration and Culture, I learned about migration around the world and the straggles many people face in their journey through their life in earth.  In the unit one, we study about leaving that people leave their countries for many reasons that can be escaping from war, civil war, terrorism, discrimination and so on the important they are running from death and for better life to their children.  In unit two, I learned about crossing the border to go to another country or another place that is much challenged for many people because they need to leave everything behind and for some of them is not that easy to go maybe they cannot afford for it.  Also, people take advantage of it like charging them a lot of many for nothing.  In unit three, I learned about Arrival people who arrive to another place they face isolated, they do not understand the language, the culture that is difficult. In unit four, I learned about Arrested Movements I think this unit is more difficult and sad because talk about people who are exploited as “El Contrato” where Mexican people come to Canada to work in agriculture and even they pay taxes, they do not have any medical benefits. They work very hard for a little salary.  In addition, in the unit we talked about “Guantanamo Bay” where many innocent people are prisoners as a criminal.  I feel very sad for Omar Khadr who spends more of his childhood into that place and is torture as a thing I cannot imagine the horrible life he is having there.  In unit five, we study about Returns, if people return to their countries it can be very challenged too, because maybe other people took their home, they do not find job as they have before also if they were many years outside of their country even they will not have their friend.   Also, I enjoyed do the Interview, the Essay Presentation, learn about countries of the World and the blogs even this was very challenged for me.
I just want to finish my blog with this message.  2000 years ago, one man was killed, he was innocent, he never sin, but he died.  “The birth of Jesus was the beginning of the end for death.  “The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.  But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15: 56-57, Bible).  That is why we celebrate Christmas!” – D. McCasland
At Christmas time we celebrate
The coming of the Prince of Peace;
Though now our world is locked in strife,
One day He’ll make all conflict cease. _ Sper
Jesus took our place to give us His peace.
The birth of Christ brought God to man; the cross of Christ brings man to God. _ Wesley
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

My Picture Document!

Documents Picture

At the beginning, I did not know what pictures can I take, but the teacher gave me a good idea to make my own pictures and talk a little bet about my life when I was in my country, Peru and when I came to Canada. So first, I selected some of the pictures I brought from Peru and then I used the picture, which a friend took me in my field placement and other pictures that took me the teacher in the classroom. I was very happy I could do that.  First looking to the pictures, which I brought from Peru.  I remember with that picture about my childhood in the mountains of Peru, and then I have another picture when I was at school finally another picture with my student celebrating the spring season.  Usually when we celebrate the spring “La Primavera” is a big celebration in Peru.  All schools celebrate this, there is kind of parade of customs.  I remember this celebration when I was teaching elementary school in Peru.  In addition, I used the picture a friend took me at the placement it was in the Drop in center where I met many families from around the world and children from 0 to 6 years old.  I have very good experience there.  Finally, I used the picture the teacher took me, in the classroom and I talk about my life on the post-secondary school in Canada that is very challenged for me not only for the language but also for the technology.

Interview Reflection

            I did not was very sure who I would interview.  At the beginning, I thought to interview my brother.  My brother came to Canada in the 80s when the shining path was strong in Peru, my country.  He applied us a refuge.  I asked him to interview him; he said, “No, my story is very complicate and sad” also he did not have time to tell me because he is very busy.  The second person I thought to interview was my friend from my church, who came from Congo around 5 years ago, as a refuge, too.  At the beginning when she start to attend church she was very shy, but now she is very comfortable and very good friend of us she is serving at church, she is very active also, she is studying at George brown college.  But I could not interview her at church because usually she is very busy and she is very busy with school, too.  One Sunday when I was planning to meet her, she went to Montreal.  Then I decided to interview Mrs. Menka, I call her Mrs. Menka, her complete name is Elka Menka, she came from Poland many years ago and she is 89 years old.  I called Mrs. Menka I asked her about the interview she said, yes, come and visit me so, I went to her home and she was very happy to see me. Even though, I know her story, because she told me many times, but is good when I hear from her.  Mrs. Menka story is very sad she is a survivor of the holocaust.  Mrs. Menka’s parents and sisters died in the in the camp.  She speaks many languages and what I really admire more of her is her forgiveness to the people who killed her family and wounded her.

Saturday 5 November 2011


In my opinion, globalization is wonderful more for wealthy people, because people who have power are above people of poor countries.  On the other hand, poor people become poorer.  I cannot believe also, here in Canada happen these unjust situations.  In the movie "El Contrato" by Min Sook Lee, the Mexican people who come as immigrant workers do not have many benefits.  Even though they pay Taxes, Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI).  However, they do not have any benefits in Canada.  If they get sick, the employers send them to Mexico.  These workers are treated as slaves and they do not have rights as Canadians to make any complain because if they say something that the way the their boss treats them, they could be send back to their country without pay.  Most of them do not said anything they just do whatever they are told to do even if that risk their health and life.  The man who represent them is not on their side either because he said: "If you are not happy the way you are treated do not come any more" they Know these people need the job that is why they are abusive with the powerless people.  If this is happening in Canada what can we expecte from other countries, that the human rights is not respected in any way.  I think this is a very sad story for many people who need work to support their family.  Because there are not job in Mexico and other poor countries, people leave their country and families.  ?they come to a rich country with many dreams to find a good place where to live, work to support their family backhome to have better and worthy life, but many of them are deceptionated with the work they do and the way they are treated, I think this situation make the work harder for most of them.  I like the movie the way Min Sook Lee made it I hope the ministry of agriculture can do something to support foreign workers at list with health benefits for them.

Monday 17 October 2011

The Borders

The border is "an open wound where the Third world grate against the First and bleeds.  And before a scab forms, it haemorrhoges again, the life blood of two worlds merging to from a third country a border culture"                                                                                         
                                                                                                                                        Gloria Anzaldua

              Gloria Anzaldua in her writing speak about countries which become separated by violence.  Many people at that place lose their lives.  Since the world exist always people fight for land because who have want more especially people who have power have the control of peolpe of undre developed countries.  Those people take advantage of the powerless people in everything.  The powerful people do not care about the needs, feelings of the poor people.  Even they kill people to get something they want.  So people with power marginalized to people who are powerless.  For example, people from developed countries do not have limits to go to any country they want.  Even though if those people go to the under developed countries only to do things that wound inocent and young people. that happened from generation to generation and that wounds do not heal easily.  For example, people who have money cross the borders to do business and get more rich a costas del esfuerzo de personas que no tienen nada.  They explot their materias primas leaving the soil and people more poor than before.  Other people especially man go to the under developed countries for a sex turist and they abuse inocent and weak people.
The borders for some people brings happines and joy; but for other people it brings pain, tears, heartbreak and discourage.  Many people from around the world trying to cross the borders with the hope in their heart maybe to escape persecution, corruption, war or to have better life many of them died in the way or crossing the border.
Border exist in everywhere, in every country, nation, culture language, religion.  People fight for everithing only because they want power, money or to be better than others.

Monday 26 September 2011

Reflection from my Reading!

Reading these stories, make me angry and very sad.
When I read about people being treated poorly by unjust governments, it makes me upset. It forces people to leave their places, things, ând families.  These people have to come to a new country, new culture, new language and have to start from the beginning because their education and profession is not valid at the new place.  They do not feel confident especially for mature people who have to learn a new language which is a challenge.
I feel very sad and these stories make me cry particularly the story of the boy who was only two years old.  He and his family left their wonderful place because their life was in danger and they went from one place to another place in order to escape torment.  But when the boy was only ten years old , his brother and parents were killed. That boy was the only one who escaped from that dangerous country to a new country where he can be free and safe.  But the memories of his family was always with him did not go away. He was haunted by the terror of his old life.
Another story that impacted me was the doctor's story who escaped from his country too, in order to save his life; but he cannot work as a doctor in the new place which is his new home. Stories like those are very sad.  Fortunately, they end happily in a sense that they can tell their stories. Unfortunately, many people around the world cannot escape and they are tortured and killed without any compassion.

I am a migrant too; I am very thankful to God and to this country for giving me the opportunity to be here. I think I am very blessed. I would like to help those people who suffer.